My doctor told me that most women who think they have yeast infection actually don't have it. They normally have other kinds of infection other than yeast infection. This could be something not as serious or could be something very serious. It is truly terrible if you actually have something worse and keep using the wrong medications.
I made the same mistake when I had yeast infection. I was, one day, working out at my house, and I started to feel very itchy around my vagina. The itching was so terrible that I couldn't even stand still. I waited till the symptom got better, and I went to a drug store to buy some creams and tablets for yeast infection cure. When I went to see a doctor later, she told me I made a wrong decision in getting the over-the-counter medicine before seeing her.
Itching could be No.1 symptom of vaginal yeast infection. Only those who have experienced can tell how bad the itching could be. Like I said earlier, it was hard for me to even walk straight due to severe itching. Approximately one out of every five women with vaginal yeast infection has seen the discharge that looked like ricotta cheese. The color ranges from light yellow to white. The smell was not so bad for me. It smelt something like bread… I mean yeast.
Vaginal yeast infection is caused by the fungus known as Candida albicans. They always live in the vagina. The bacteria in the vagina prevent the yeast cells to multiply and overgrow. So, you do have the infection. If the healthy balance between yeast and bacteria breaks, the yeast cells grow and that causes the infection.
I tried over-the-counter tablets and creams and also the medications that my doctor prescribed. But, those medications were good only for brief relief. The symptoms never disappeared. So, I made up my mind to search for natural treatment and cure for my infection. I eventually found natural ways to cure vaginal yeast infection and it was gone in two weeks.
It was different from other times. There were no more recurring symptoms and I haven't had any vaginal yeast infection for over one year.
For more information on vaginal yeast infection or my experience, visit our yeast infection cure site.